
1. v1.0.2

More methods


callAfter : Returns a new function that can be called only after calling a specific number of times.

callBefore : Returns a new function that can be called only for specific number of times.

nTimes : Calls a function n times and returns an array of the results.

once : Returns a new function that can be called only once.


omit : Returns a new object with the specified keys omitted.

pick : Picks the specified keys from an object.

renameKey : Renames a key in an object.

sampleObj : Returns a sample object with the specified keys and values as random numbers.

2. `v1.0.1`

Some more array methods:

partition : Partitions an array into two arrays based on a given callback ie predicate.

remove : Removes elements from an array at a specified index.

rotate : Rotates the elements of an array by a given number of positions.

zip : Zips arrays together in the form of an array of arrays.

3. v1.0.0

Release v1.0.0

CLI v1.0.0

  • Initialize project using init command
  • add methods using add command
  • Teardown project using teardown command

Registry v1.0.0

  • Array
    • chunk
    • compact
    • insert
    • sampleArr
    • search
    • shuffleArr
    • unique
  • Functional
    • retry
    • sleep
    • timeout
  • Gates
    • and
    • nand
    • or
    • nor
  • Objects
    • mapObj